Cleaning the garage is perpetually on the “to do” list but always ends up a low priority. In the spring, there always seem to be more important things to clean and organize in the house. In the summer, it is usually too hot in the garage. In the fall, there always seem to be a lot of other things to do. Then in the winter, it is too cold to clean the garage. Here are some ideas posted by organizing expert/author Donna Smallin Kuper that might motivate you to pick a cooler day this summer to reclaim the space in your garage.
Spring Cleaning Your Garage
Did you know that 57% of people with two-car garages don’t have room to park cars inside them — or have room for only one vehicle? I think you know why. Because instead of getting rid of stuff, we throw it out in the garage!
If you’re ready to take on the challenge of cleaning your garage, spring is a good time to do it, before it gets too hot to even think about it. With a few simple organization ideas, tidying up your garage and keeping it neat and clean is not only possible, it’s very doable. Here’s the plan… [Read More]
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